We celebrate…

This Wednesday we had a holiday meeting of the English speaking club. It was decided to start earlier then usually, to have some more time to celebrate & communicate.
We had a festive table with tea, different sweet-stuff, tangerines & champagne. And surely all of us got a present: it was a visit of our new american friend David.

Let me tell a little bit about him.
David came from New York. He's a teacher of english, giving lessons all over the world. He worked in several European countries, Japan & different corners of our immense country. He lived & worked for several years in Magadan, Irkutsk & some other siberian cities. Now he is in Sochi, educates at school №8 & gives private lessons as well. He has 9 (!) children & russian wife.
David is very communicative, open minded & positive person. His language is perfect: ideal pronunciation makes it easy to understand everything he says. So it was a real pleasure for all of us to speak with him on various topics.

Not to deviate from the tourist theme of the club, Walker presented us a virtual excursion over some wonderful canyons & waterfalls in the vicinity of Sochi.
And of course we didn't forget to congratulate each other & sing well known New Year's songs.
Everybody got a lot of positive emotions in conjunction with a valuable language practice.
Happy new year!
  • 06 января 2012, 01:28
  • feelingood

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  • 06 января 2012, 02:38

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